Flexim international BV


Frequently Asked Questions

Flexim is supplied in a large package (10 strips) and a small package (5 strips). It is recommended that you cut open the required strips and remove them from the packaging before going onto the roof. Below is a step-by-step description.

  1. Remove the lid from the packaging and place it upside down next to the bottom.
  2. Cut the number of strips you need with a cutting knife.
  3. Take the Flexim strips out of the plastic packaging and place the strips in the lid. Use 1 latex glove.
  4. Place the bottom over the lid again and take the Flexim product in the box packaging up to the roof.
  5. Put on 2 latex gloves and then firmly press the unwrapped Flexim strips onto the top row of roof tiles. Repeat this until all Flexim strips have been placed on the roof tiles.
  6. Remove the gloves and press the cam frost firmly into the Flexim with bare, clean hands. Make sure that the ridge frost is not pressed down to the rider beam, but ‘floats’ at least 1 centimeter above the rider beam. If you do not have a rider beam, make sure there is sufficient space between the ridge and the top row of roof tiles.
  7. Put on 1 latex glove and cut off the excess Flexim using a spatula or knife.
  8. Smooth the Flexim until you get an even finish.

Flexim is a flexible paste that can absorb the effect of the roof well. A roof is always moving. The entire roof construction will have to deal with this, including the monarchs.

It is very important that the kings are not pressed tightly on the rider’s beam, but ‘float’ above the rider’s beam. Even when mechanically anchoring by means of a stainless steel screw, the frost must be at least 1 centimeter above the rider beam. As a result, the movement can be optimally absorbed by the Flexim product.

In closed packaging, without damage – 2 years.

However, if a strip has already been cut open, it must be processed within 1 day.

If I use Flexim to secure the frosts, do I no longer need to screw them down?

It is important to ensure that the roof tiles and ridges are properly anchored on the roof. This means that the kings must be fitted with a stainless steel screw and must be secured to the rider beam. Please note that the kings are not fixed tightly on the rider beam, but floating! Keep at least 1 centimeter.

A rider beam is a wooden beam on top of the ridge purlin or rafter of a roof for the attachment of the ridge caps. To determine whether a rider beam must be installed before working with Flexim roof mortar, it must first be determined for which application you will use Flexim.

There are 2 types of applications for Flexim.

  1. Roof repair: Flexim is used as a repair product to improve the connection between the ridge and roof tile and to prevent (possible) leakage on and around the tiled roof. If you are going to use Flexim as a repair product, it is not necessary to install a rider beam and then mechanically fix the ridge frost on it.
  2. Roof renovation or new construction: If you use Flexim for renovation or new construction, we recommend that you install a rider beam, if this is not present. The ridge ridges can then be mechanically attached to the rider beam and are, as it were, additionally “secured” on the roof. Note that the ridge frost is always secured to the rider beam with a stainless steel screw with a plastic washer.

5 latex gloves are supplied with each box of Flexim roof mortar. It is important to use the gloves because Flexim is a paste product that must stick between the frost and the roof tile. Gloves keep your hands clean.

Flexim is ideal for supporting sawn tiles in the valley gutter to prevent subsidence. Closing the valley gutter has the advantage that driving rain or snow cannot get under the tiles and no leakage problems can arise. We recommend that you inspect this application once a year.

A lead flashing is a strip of lead and is used for a watertight connection between parts of a building, e.g. near a chimney or a roof window.

With Flexim, sagging lead can be easily repaired. Lift the lead and spread a small layer of Flexim under the lead. Then push the lead back into position and tap the lead firmly.

Flexim has developed a consumption advice tool to determine, approximately, how many products (boxes) are needed to perform a certain application. The consumption per Flexim box of 10 strips strongly depends on the application (ridge, corner rafter, valley gutter or skylight) & the type of roof tile and type of frost used. As standard, it can be assumed that with 1 Flexim box of 10 strips, approx. 3 to 5 running meters of frost can be secured on both sides!

Type of roof tile and type of frost
The so-called ‘well’ in the tile, or in other words a hollow or deep roof tile requires more material to ensure sufficient adhesion between the roof tile and the ridge frost. In addition, a round frost can mean that a little more Flexim has to be used than with a flat frost.

When applying Flexim to the ridge or corner rafter, a small consumption difference is also noticeable. On the corner twill, a little more Flexim should be used due to the angle of inclination.

It is advisable to remove the frosts, remove the loose cement and make the surface dust-free. Subsequently, Flexim roof mortar can be applied to re-attach the ridges to the underlying roof tiles.

However, it is possible to lubricate the cement with Flexim, and in this way an economical solution can be chosen. After all, less material needs to be used when repairing the kings than with complete new construction or renovation, and a possible leakage problem can be quickly remedied.

Roof repair
During repair work, the quality of the cement should be thoroughly examined. If the cement falls out in a number of places, the loose cement must first be removed, then the surface must be made free of dust and grease. After that, Flexim can be used as a filling material to carry out a quick repair.

When the Flexim is still fresh, the pans can be easily cleaned with a dry cloth or a cloth soaked in turpentine.

TIP: A small spot on or around the ridge frosts is often not visible from the ground and therefore does not have to be an immediate problem. If stains are visible, it is of course advisable to remove the stains immediately.

When the Flexim is still fresh, the paving or terrace tiles can be easily cleaned with a dry cloth or a cloth soaked in turpentine.

If the Flexim is not immediately removed from the tile, the oil product may penetrate into the tile or stone, causing a stain. In extreme cases, a high-pressure cleaner (steam) could offer a solution, but we cannot guarantee this. It is advisable to approach a professional cleaning company and ask how a stain can be removed from the tile or stone.

Flexim is available in 7 colours.

  • Black
  • Red
  • Gray
  • Dark brown
  • Light brown
  • Blue
  • Green

Yes, this is possible after a film/protective layer has formed on the product. In normal weather conditions (10 – 25 degrees) a protective, harder layer forms after 2 to 3 days.

We recommend using Alkyd paint, however we do not guarantee the application or color fastness of the paint.

Flexim can be processed down to – 25 degrees Celsius! However, make sure that there is no snow on the top row of tiles and that there is no frost in the pan.

TIP: Cover the top row of tiles with a tarpaulin at night, or place the tiles inside in a warm room. Then put the tiles back on the top row of tiles the next day and immediately apply the Flexim roof mortar.

We also recommend storing the boxes of Flexim at room temperature (20 degrees). In colder weather conditions, the product can become somewhat tougher and stiffer. Flexim is easier to process when the product is warmer.

Yes, Flexim can be used on used roof tiles and adheres very well to old, used roof tiles. Make sure that the used pans or frosts are dry, free of dust and grease! We recommend roughing up the old ridge ridges on the inside with a wire brush. Due to the age of used pans, it sometimes happens that the pans are dirty. As a result, the Flexim roof mortar cannot adhere optimally to the tile or frost.

The installation of Flexim on the chimney head is not recommended. Chimney caps cannot be fixed in the Flexim roof mortar either.

Note: We are aware of applications where (cracked) chimney caps are treated with Flexim. However, we cannot accept any liability for this.

No, Flexim must be applied to a dry, clean roof tile.

Flexim International BV guarantees Flexim roof mortar as a sealing and bonding material for a period of 10 years. This guarantee only applies if the Flexim roof mortar is used as a sealing product for roof frosts (ridge and corner rafters) in new construction (both ceramic and concrete) with due observance of the regulations as stated in the processing instructions. The liability of this warranty is at all times limited to the purchase price of the product.

You can enter your location on our Dealer page, after which the nearest supplier will be indicated. If there is no dealer in your region, please call or email us! We may be able to help you find another point of sale near you.

Flexim roof mortar is a natural product based on linseed oil. Due to industrial pollution, the attraction of dust particles and UV, the product can take on a dark color over time.

However, Flexim can easily be painted over with an Alkyd paint.

TIP: It is important to cut Flexim at an angle of 90 degrees. Compliance with this processing advice also creates a so-called ‘shadow effect’ on your ridge. Should any discoloration occur, this is virtually invisible.

According to our experience and the information provided to us, the product does not have any harmful effects on health when it is handled and used according to specifications.

Flexim is not classified as hazardous according to Regulation (EU) No 453/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH).

Our Safety Data Sheet / Safety Data Sheet is available on request. We will be happy to send these to you by email.

A ridge tile, roof frost or ridge frost is a specially shaped roof tile that covers the ridge or corner rafter in a tiled roof. The most commonly used ridge tile is the ‘ordinary semicircular ridge tile’. Ridge ridges are made in such a way that, by overlapping each other, they kind of hook into each other a bit. A nail hole in the ridge tile allows it to be secured to the rider with a ridge nail.

It sometimes happens that birds nest under the roof or other rodents try to enter through the roof. Flexim can be used to close seams, cracks or holes on the roof to prevent this.

Many roofs have natural ventilation. There are many cracks and seams on the roof through which the air can pass. Even with roof tiles that do not fit properly (often old roof tiles), there is natural ventilation. In this case, Flexim can be installed without using ventilation tiles.

In new construction or renovation projects, the roof is often well insulated. And with insulation comes ventilation. We recommend using 1 ventilation tile per 30m2 of roof surface, to be placed on the second row of tiles below the ridge.

Flexim International BV confirms that its products fully comply with the requirements as set out in the Construction Products Directive 89/106/EEC. Pursuant to Article 66(1) of the Building Regulation 305/2011/EU, products placed on the market in accordance with Directive 89/106/EEC before 1 July 2013 are deemed to comply with the Building Regulation.

The products of Flexim International BV are CE marked on the basis of an EC Declaration of Conformity”

We advise not to use Flexim when it rains. Flexim is immediately water repellent, but if the roof tile is wet or damp, this can affect the adhesion. When the ridge construction is open and it starts to rain heavily, it can also happen that water remains behind the Flexim product. This also has a negative effect on the product and the adhesion between ridge frost and roof tile.


Consumption calculator

Want to know exactly how much Flexim is needed for the project? Use the consumption calculator!